Brandabl Help Estheticians and Beauty Professionals

5 Rules to Help Estheticians and Beauty Professionals Win More Clients on Social Media

5 Simple Rules for Your Beauty or Med Spa Business

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Are you ready to start boosting your engagement on social media and start winning over more customers? Estheticians and beauty professionals often struggle with this important aspect of building a brand. These five rules will help you book more appointments and create a better relationship with your clients.

1. Commit to a Few Platforms to Start

Advertising your services and specials with a social media marketing strategy can be overwhelming at first. Instead of attempting to master all of the platforms at the same time, commit to just one or two to start. Figure out where most of your clients are and focus your efforts there. Facebook and Instagram tend to be the most popular platforms, so those apps are a great place to start.

2. Embrace Authenticity and Be Honest

When you set up a new post on your social media channels, make sure not to gloss over the facts about the procedure. Any social media content creator looking to market services or products needs to set realistic expectations. If you aren’t upfront and authentic in your posts, clients might start to view your content as untrustworthy. So, when you’re selling a service, prepare your followers for the results or downtime following the treatment you offer.

3. Make the Most of Value-Driven Content

Social media content creation is often the first stop for your potential customers to start exploring the services you have to offer. However, a short post on Facebook or Instagram will not answer all of their questions. This is why it is critical to incorporate value-driven content into your social media posts. Then, redirect them back to your website, where they can learn more and further interact with you. Your brand will stay in front of them longer, increasing the odds that they will return to you to book an appointment.

4. Cultivate Connection

Perhaps one of the most critical aspects of social media is the connection that you are creating with your customers. Ensure that you are actively posting, and remember to monitor your accounts for activity. Respond to comments and messages as soon as possible to show your audience how committed you are to them.
You also want to respond to every review. Thank your customers for their feedback, ask what you could do differently in the future, and try to turn around negative situations for the better. Everyone will take notice, and this will prove that you genuinely care about your customers.

5. Use Apps to Help

If you truly want to put your services in front of more customers, you must learn to use apps to their fullest potential. The Stories and Highlights features on Instagram or live-streaming videos on Facebook are great ways to boost your engagement and post on the go.

Improve Your Marketing with Social Media

At Brandabl, we believe in helping you to make the most of your most valuable resource: time. We offer content that you can apply to your social media channels, cutting back on the amount of time you have to spend creating images, hashtags, and even captions. Use our content as it comes, or customize it further for your business with easy editing tools. Regardless of how you decide to use Brandabl, our goal is straighforward: to simplify marketing so you can finally focus on your clients and your craft.

Want More Marketing Tips?

Stay tuned for more marketing tips and don’t forget to follow @mybrandabl on Instagram!

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