I was watching a video on Instagram recently and the person started off by saying, “Someone needs to hear this today. I know you are going through a lot and I want to tell you that you are important. Your life has a purpose and you are fulfilling it.”
It floored me because with so many things going on like setting appointments, meeting with our team, and being there for family, I think we often forget to take time on inner reflection and encouraging ourselves. Whether you are in the medspa or beauty and wellness business, I know you can relate. In fact, your clients can relate. That’s one of the reasons they love your business. It gives them time to focus on themselves. You encourage people every day to be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. That is why inspirational social media quotes are so critical to your online presence.
Let’s dive into the reasons you need to start mixing things up by posting social media quotes and self-esteem affirmations on your business’ social media profile.
1. Tap into your audience on a personal level
Inspirational social media quotes allow you to connect with your audience on a personal level because they instantly relate to what they are going through or have gone through. These types of posts create an instant emotional reaction and those reactions create memorable responses.
We all have events that stand out in our minds even if they took place years ago. Maybe you can’t remember if you took your vitamins an hour ago yet you vividly remember the day your daughter graduated college and was handed her diploma on stage. Watching that happen created an emotional response you will remember for years to come. It may have inspired a feeling of love, pride, fulfillment, or all of the above. These are called emotional triggers. They create memorable experiences in your mind.
Posting social media quotes on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or other profile creates those types of instant emotional triggers because they connect your audience with an emotional part of their life experience. This creates an immediate and invaluable personal connection between your brand and your audience.
For example, create a post image graphic that says: ‘Your life has a purpose and you are fulfilling it.’ Then write a post that says, “Someone needs to hear this today. We want to tell you that you are important. Your life has a purpose and you are fulfilling it. We love hearing about how your life is going during our appointments. It makes what we do even more meaningful.”
#purposedriven #meaningfulquotes #meaningfullife #medspalosangeles #medspalosangeles #bestmedspa #medspalife

2. Encourage post sharing by building self-esteem
Did you know that inspirational posts are the most commonly shared post types on social media? That is because building self-esteem and providing encouragement are things that everyone can relate to and need on a personal level. Getting your inspirational post to be shared with others is something you can strive for that can work wonders for your brand.
Here are some things you can do to make it easier for people to share your inspirational posts and gain valuable exposure for your brand:
- Watermark your images with your company logo. You can do this yourself or you can find a content creator like Brandabl that will make this process easy. Social media content providers will even make you quality pre-made inspirational posts that you can grab and add your logo to in a few minutes, then post. Simple and super valuable.
- Encourage your followers to share your posts. There is pure magic in brightening someone’s day. When you post a self-esteem affirmation or other inspirational post, use captions like, ‘Do you know someone who needs to hear this?’ Include the inspirational message, then add, ’Share this post with someone you care about.’
- Post during peak posting times when your audience is most active. Did you know that there are peak times to post on your social media? If you switch your Instagram profile to a Business Account, Instagram will provide you with Audience Insights that tell you when your audience is most active. So, if you want to step up your medspa or beauty and wellness marketing, tap into this tool and challenge yourself to start posting your inspirational social media during the most popular posting hours.
3. Reveal the true purpose and mission behind your brand.

Whatever your personal mission and purpose is for your brand, you have the opportunity to share it with your followers and their friends and family. This is one of the most rewarding things you can do with your social media following.
To close out, here are a few of our favorite inspirational quotes for social media posts. You can find others like this designed with your brand style in mind available on mybrandabl.com.